Craft Email + SMS Signup Forms & Send Welcome Messages that Drive Revenue

DojoMojo customers can design fully custom signup forms to grow their email and SMS subscriber list and send dynamic SMS welcome flows.

We’re excited to announce improvements to our platform to help brands grow their lists even faster—including the ability to create, customize, and manage on-site signup forms and welcome messages. These tools will help our customers significantly increase their revenue through expedited SMS and email list growth, while also making it easier to manage and optimize their text messaging program.

Here's what you can do with signup forms:

Build powerful multi-step forms fast
Customize the layout, imagery, background, font, and form behaviors to perfectly complement your brand, all on the DojoMojo platform. Within the builder, it's easy to design beautiful, mobile-optimized forms that pop. These tools will help businesses quickly grow both their email and text messaging lists, increase revenue, and drive more brand loyalty.

Confidently grow your list and collect more data responsibly
Add forms directly to your desktop and mobile website so customers can subscribe to brand updates or redeem a discount on their purchase.

All DojoMojo tools are built with compliance in mind. Built-in data consent features help keep you in compliance with TCPA, FCC, CCPA, and other data privacy guidelines.

Collect Email + SMS consent together
Use multi-step forms to invite shoppers to sign up for email and texts, so you can reach your customers on their preferred channels. Building a healthy subscriber list is the key to a successful marketing channel, and having a signup form on your site will help you do just that.

Deliver dynamic welcome messages that drive revenue
Easily create and manage SMS welcome messages that greet new subscribers immediately after they opt-in to your SMS program. To help drive immediate sales, we recommend including a coupon in the welcome message. A new subscriber is highly engaged at this point in the customer lifecycle, so they’re likely to convert—driving more revenue for your brand.

Research shows that incentivizing shoppers with a dollar or percentage off discount drives ~50% more sign-ups than other offers. If your brand doesn’t do discounts, consider driving opt-ins with early access to product launches or simply to stay in the know about brand updates.

Full control of your strategy
With signup forms, you now have full control over the sign-up flow and welcome series experience in one straightforward workflow—making it easier to optimize your list growth strategy and drive more sales through your SMS program.

DojoMojo-powered signup forms grow total monthly store revenue by 15% on average for e-commerce brands. Learn more about why thousands of brands choose DojoMojo as their growth and engagement solution, and see what we can do for you. Try us for free.